Types Of Domain Names: Guide To Choose The Best One

illustration showing Types of Domain Names

Websites have names and these names are called domain names. Domain names are like home addresses but for websites. They help us find websites on the internet. Domain names make using the internet easy. We type them to visit websites.

This article is all about types of domain names and how to choose the right domain. However, the core focus of this writing is to explore different types of domain names. This information is very useful if you want to make a website or just want to know more about how the Internet works.

By the end, you will know what are the main parts of a domain name and how can you choose the right domain name for your own website. Let’s start learning about domain names!

What Is A Domain Name?

A domain name is an address for the website. It is what you type to visit a website. When you want to search online you might type “google.com”. That’s a web address name.

Long ago, finding websites was hard. People used long number codes called IP addresses. Think about remembering a phone number for every website! That was tough. So, in the 1980s, some clever folks made addresses. This made things easier. Now we use simple names instead of number codes.

Today, domain names are more than just addresses. They are big for businesses. Some people even sell addreses for lots of money. If you want to make a website knowing about domains helps.

Domains make the internet easy to use. We do not need to remember tricky numbers. We just type simple names. This helps everyone find websites fast. For businesses, good domains are important. They help companies stand out online. A catchy web address makes a website easy to find and remember.

Understanding the different types of domains is essential because domains are like signposts on the internet. They guide us to the right places. They make the whole internet simpler for everyone to use. That is why domains matter so much in our online world.

Parts of a Domain Name

To understand domains better, it’s good to know their different parts. A web address name is made up of several pieces that work together. Let’s break it down:

Top-Level Domain (TLD)

The Top-Level Domain, or TLD, is the last part of a web address. It comes after the final dot. People often call it the domain extension. Some common TLDs you might recognize are:

  • .com: Most popular, used for all kinds of websites
  • .org: First made for non-profits, now anyone can use it
  • .net: Started for tech companies, now used by many

Some TLDs show country links, like .uk for the United Kingdom. New TLDs like .shop or .blog give more choices.

Second-Level Domain (SLD)

The SLD is the main part before the TLD. this part of the web address usually tells what the site is about. In “google.com”, “google” is the SLD. When you are choosing a web address, you have to be creative for the SLD. It is the part that people will remember most about your website’s name. 

Here are some tips for choosing a good SLD:

  • Keep it short and easy to spell
  • Make it match your website or business
  • Try not to use numbers or hyphens
  • Make it easy to remember

Your SLD is a big part of your online name. Choose it carefully!


A subdomain comes before the main web address. Not all websites use them. Examples of subdomains are:

  • blog.website.com
  • shop.website.com
  • support.website.com

Subdomains help organize big websites. They are like small sites within the main site. Big companies use subdomains for different countries, like “uk.amazon.com” which is Amazon’s website for the United Kingdom.


The protocol is not part of the web address, but you see it in web addresses. It tells the device how to connect to the site. The two most common protocols are HTTP and HTTPs:

  • http://: Basic web connection
  • https://: Safer connection

Google’s Emphasis on HTTP and its Impact on SEO Rankings Your browser usually adds this part for you.

Third-Level Domain

Some domains have this part between the subdomain and SLD. It is not very common. It is used to organize websites even more.

Understanding these parts helps you know how web addresses work. It’s good to know if you use the internet or want to make a website and understand domain name types.

What Are The Different Types Of Domain Names?

a screenshot of a computer showing What Are The Different Types Of Domains

Now that we know the parts of a web address let’s explore the different types of domain names you might come across:

Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

As we have talked about TLDs already there is still more to know. TLDs are grouped into different categories given as follows:

Generic TLDs (gTLDs)

The gTLDs are the most common domains endings as we know about .com, .org, and .net. Here are more:

  • .edu: For schools and colleges
  • .gov: For government websites
  • .info: For websites that share information
  • .biz: Another option for business websites

Each gTLD has its own story. Now, most can be used for any kind of website.

Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs)

Every country has its own TLD. Local businesses like these TLDs and ccTLDs can help them grow locally. They show a website belongs to a specific country. For example:

  • .uk for the United Kingdom
  • .de for Germany
  • .jp for Japan
  • .au for Australia
  • .us ccTLDs for USA

Country Code TLD can help your website show up when people in that country search online.

New gTLDs

Several new gTLDs have been made in the past few years. These give website owners more choices other than the generic TLDs. Some new ones are:

  • .shop: Good for online stores
  • .blog: For people who write blogs
  • .app: For people who make phone apps
  • .tech: For websites about technology
  • .photography: For picture-taking websites

These new gTLDs let people make more creative website names. They can help a website stand out.

You have several options for your website name with so many TLDs. You can choose one that fits your website best. Think about what your website is about and who will visit it. This can help you pick the right TLD.

Remember, the TLD is just one part of your web address. The whole name should be easy to remember and type. It should also tell people what your website is about.

Second-Level Domains (SLDs)

The SLD is the main part of your website’s name. It comes right before the dot. For example, in “myshop.com”, the SLD is “myshop”.

When picking an SLD consider these things:

  • Make it match your website: If you sell shoes, maybe use “shoes” in your SLD.
  • Keep it short: Shorter names are easier to remember, so try to use just a few words.
  • No numbers or hyphens: These can be confusing, use letters only if you can.
  • Easy to say and spell: If people can not say it, they might forget it.
  • Be original: Do not copy other website names. This can cause legal or trademark problems.

Your SLD is very important because it is the name people type to find your website. You should take your time to choose a good one.

Remember, a good SLD helps people know what your website is about. It should be easy to remember and type. So, think carefully about your SLD it is a big part of your website’s identity online.


Subdomains are like small parts of your main website. They come before the main web address which is SLD. You can consider your website as a big house and subdomains are like rooms in that house. Each room has a different purpose.

Some examples of subdomains:

  • blog.website.com: This could be where you write articles
  • shop.website.com: This might be where people buy things
  • support.website.com: This could be where people get help
  • members.website.com: This might be a special area for signed-up users

Subdomains help organize big websites. These make it easier for people to find what they want from a website that has more than one purpose. Subdomains are like sorting your things into different drawers. It keeps everything tidy and easy to find. But remember, search engines might treat each drawer as its own thing.

Search engines like Google see subdomains as separate websites. This can change how your site shows up in search results. It can be good or bad, depending on how you use subdomains.

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)

For many years, website names were limited to using English letters, numbers, and dashes. This was hard for people who use other languages. So, they made Internationalized Domains (IDNs).

IDNs let people use their own language for website names. Now you can have website names in Chinese, Arabic, Russian, and many other languages.

Why are IDNs important?

  • They help people who do not speak English use the internet easily.
  • Businesses can use names that make sense in their local language.
  • They keep different languages alive on the internet.

However, IDNs can sometimes cause problems. Some letters in different languages look very alike. Bad people might use this to make fake websites that look real.

Even with this problem, IDNs are very important. They help to make the Internet accessible to everyone regardless of the language they speak. IDNs make the internet feel more local. This is making the internet more welcoming to people around the world.

Premium Domain Names

Some domains are considered extra valuable. These are called premium domain names. These are one of the premium types of domain names. But what makes a web address “premium”? Here are some characteristics:

  • Short and easy to remember
  • Made up of common, popular words
  • Related to profitable industries
  • Ending in a popular TLD like .com

Premium domain names can be very expensive. Some have sold for millions of dollars! The “cars.com” and “insurance.com” can be premium domains because they are short and precise. Here is a more deep detail on premium domains.

Why would someone pay a huge amount for a domain name? 

There are a few reasons:

  • They are easy for customers to remember.
  • They can bring in more website visitors.
  • They look professional and trustworthy.
  • They might rank better in search results

It has no doubt that premium domains play a vital role in successful business but you not only need a premium web address to have a successful website. Many great websites have unique or longer domain names. The most important thing about a gainful project is the content of your website and how you promote it.

Branded TLDs

Some very big companies have their own TLDs. For example:

  • .google for Google
  • .amazon for Amazon
  • .microsoft for Microsoft

These are called branded TLDs. These are not commonly used because they are very expensive to set up and maintain. It costs millions of dollars to apply for your own TLD.

Why do companies want their own TLD? 

There are some reasons:

  • Complete control over a whole section of internet addresses
  • Enhanced security, as it is harder for others to make fake websites using their name
  • Stronger branding, as their company name, is part of every web address
  • Ability to create shorter, cleaner web addresses

While branded TLDs are not an option for most businesses, they just show how the web address system is evolving. They offer new ways for big companies to organize their online presence and strengthen their brand.

Descriptive Domain Names

Some domains tell you exactly what the website is about. These are called descriptive web addresses. For example:

  • bestpizzainnewyork.com
  • learnenglishonline.com
  • buycheapelectronics.com

Descriptive domain names have some advantages:

  • People know what your website is about immediately
  • These can help with search engine rankings
  • These are clear and straightforward

However, they also have some downsides:

  • These are often long and harder to remember
  • These might limit your business if you want to expand later
  • These can sometimes look less professional than shorter, branded names

The name you choose for your descriptive web address try to keep it as concise as possible. However, it must clearly convey what your website provides.

Numeric Domain Names

Some website names use numbers instead of letters. Or they use both numbers and letters. Some examples of numeric web addresses are 123.com, 99designs.com, 7eleven.com, etc. 

These are called numeric domains. Let’s look at when they can be good:

  • They are often short. Short names are easy to remember.
  • They work well if your brand already uses numbers.
  • In some places, certain numbers are thought to be lucky.

But numeric names can also have problems:

  • They can be hard to say out loud.
  • People might not know if they should type the number or spell it.
  • Numbers do not tell people what your website is about.

Numeric domains can be great for some websites, but they might not be suitable for everyone. Think carefully about what will be best for your website and its visitors. If you tell someone your website is “5star.com,” they might get confused and wonder if it’s “5star.com” or “fivestar.com.”

Before you choose a numeric web address, keep your website audience in view. Will they understand the numbers? Will the numbers make sense to them?

Remember, your website name should help people find and remember your site. If numbers make this easier they might be a good choice. If not, it is better to use words.

How To Choose The Right Domain Name?

a cellphone with text on it How To Choose The Right Domain Name

Choosing the right web address from types of domain names is as important as the content of the website. Here are some tips to help you find the right one:

Match Your Website’s Purpose

Your website name should tell people what it is about. Use fun words for kids’ sites. Use serious words for work sites. For example, a toy store could use “funtoys.com”. A lawyer might use “lawhelp.com”. The name should give a hint about what’s on your site. This helps people decide if they want to visit. A good name can make people want to see your site.

Keep It Short And Simple

Try to make your website name short. The shorter the names, the easier it is to type and remember. But do not make it so short that it does not make sense. Find a name that is short but clear. This makes it easier for people to find your site. They will not forget it or make mistakes when typing.

Make It Easy To Say

Think about telling someone your website name on the phone. Is the name easy to understand? or do you have to spell it out? Pick a name that is easy to say out loud. Easy-to-say names are good because people often talk about websites. If they can say it easily they will remember it better. They might even tell their friends about it! Hire a domain broker to get the domain easily.

Avoid Confusing Spellings

Use simple spellings in your website name. Do not use numbers instead of words or weird spellings. Simple spellings make it easier for people to find your website. They will not have to guess how to spell it. This is really important when people hear about your website and try to visit it later. Clear spelling helps avoid mix-ups and makes your website easier to find.

Check Availability 

After you think of some names see if they are free to use. You can visit a website that sells domain names and look for your ideas. If the name you want is already taken you can think of a new one. It is not right to give up if your first choice is not available. You can add words or change the words with the same meanings. But keep trying until you find a good name that is free to use.

Look At Social Media Names Too

As this is the hour of social media and everyone uses major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These social media platforms are major sources of digital marketing. You advertise your website on social media so before you pick a website name check if you can use it on social media. 

Even if you do not want to use these now it is good to have the same name everywhere. This makes it easy for people to remember and to find you on different websites. 

Avoid Legal Troubles

Always make sure your website name does not copy someone else’s website. This is very important. You could get in trouble if you use a name that belongs to another website or company. You should do complete research to make sure your name is new and different. Do not use existing names instead make up your own special name. This keeps you safe from problems and helps your website grow.

Be Quick

When you find a good name that no one is using, get it fast! Good names can be taken quickly by other people. Most names do not cost much money. Usually, the domain names are available for less than $20 for a year. If you find a name you like and it is free, it is better to buy it now. Do not wait too long or someone else might take the name you want. You can always change your mind later but at least you will have the name saved for you.

Focus On Content

The name of your website is just the start. The actual important thing is the content on your website. A great website with an okay name is better than an empty website with a perfect name. You should spend time making your website useful and interesting. 

Also, keep adding new things and fixing old things. This will make people want to come back to your website, no matter what it is called. The good content on your website makes it do well in the long run.

Plan For The Future

Your website might change as time goes by so do not pick a name that is too specific. Think about what your website might become in the future. Choose a name that can change with your website. This way, you will not have to change your name later. Changing names can confuse people who already know your site.

Domain Hacks: Fun Ways to Make Website Names

Domain hacks are clever website names. These hacks use different parts of the web address to spell out a word or phrase. It is like solving a puzzle with letters. Normal website names have two main parts:

  • The main name (like “google”)
  • The ending (like “.com”)

Domain hacks mix these parts up to spell something. For example:

  • del.icio.us spells “delicious”
  • bit.ly means “bitly”
  • instagr.am stands for “Instagram”

Why People Use Domain Hacks?

Most people use domain hacks because:

  • Domain hacks are often shorter than normal names. This makes them easy to type and share.
  • These fun names can stick in people’s minds better than boring ones.
  • Some people think domain hacks look smart and modern.
  • Sometimes, it is cheaper to buy a domain hack than a popular normal name.

Things To Be Careful About Domain Hacks

You must be careful about some things when considering domain hacks such as:

  • Some people might not understand how to type the name.
  • It can be tricky to tell someone your web address if it is a domain hack.
  • If you do not own all parts of the name you could lose it if the rules change.

How To Choose A Good Domain Hack?

You can choose a good domain hack without any troubles by following the tips given below.

  • Make sure most people can understand your domain hack easily.
  • Your domain hack should clearly relate to your website or business.
  • Ask friends if they understand the domain hack before you buy it.
  • Will the domain hack still make sense if your business grows or changes?

A domain hack should help people remember your website. If it is too hard to understand, it might not be a good choice. The best domain names, whether they are hacks or not, are the ones that make it easy for people to find and remember your website.

Advanced Domain Strategies

Advanced Domain Strategies

After you know the basics about domain names, you can try some smart tricks:

Domain Portfolios

Domains are special words people type to find your website. Some people buy many of these special words. Here is why:

  • To keep the brand safe by buying the maximum possible names of their main web address. This way no one else can use names very close to their brand.
  • People sometimes make mistakes when typing. If your shop is “Tasty Tacos”, you might also buy tastytacos.com and tastetacos.com. Now if someone types the wrong word they still find you!
  • Maybe your pizza shop might sell ice cream one day. You can buy yummyicecream.com now even if you do not use it yet. This way, the name is ready when you need it.
  • Buying many names is like having a collection. Each name in your collection helps protect your business and catch more people looking for you online. 

Exact Match Domains (EMDs)

It is a website name that is exactly what people type when they search online. An Exact Match Domain is like wearing a big sign that says exactly where you are. For example, if people search for “red balloons” an EMD would be redballoons.com. 

In the past, having an EMD was like a superpower for websites. They would show up at the top of search results. Even though EMDs are not as strong now, they can still be good. They make your website sound relevant to what people are searching for.

An EMD is just one way to name your website. It is like choosing a clear, simple name for your lemonade stand instead of a fancy, confusing one. It might help but having great lemonade is still the most important thing!

Geographic Domains

Geographic web addresses are website names that include a place name like newyorkpizza.com or chicagopizza.com. Imagine you have a pizza shop in different cities. You want people in each city to find you easily. That is where geographic domains help. 

These names tell people and search engines where your business is. It is like putting your city’s name on your shop sign. You can use these names because:

  • People searching in their city might see you first.
  • Customers feel like you’re part of their community.
  • You can make each website special for each city.

Think of geographic web addresses like having a different phone number for each city you work in. It helps people in that city reach you more easily!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can a domain name be?

A domain name can be up to 63 characters long, not counting the TLD (like .com). But shorter is usually better. Try to keep your domain name between 6-14 characters if you can. Short names are easier to remember and type.

Can I use hyphens in my domain name?

Yes, you can use hyphens, but it is best to avoid them if possible. Hyphens can make names harder to remember and type. They can also make your website look less trustworthy. If you must use a hyphen use only one.

How do I transfer a domain name?

To transfer a domain name to a new registrar (the company that manages domain names), you usually need to:

  1. Unlock the domain at your current registrar.
  2. Get a special transfer code (often called an EPP code or auth code).
  3. Start the transfer process at the new registrar using this code.


The process usually takes a few days. Each registrar might have slightly different steps, so it is best to check their specific instructions.

What is the difference between domain registration and web hosting?

Domain registration is like getting an address for your website. Web hosting is where your website’s files are actually stored. Think of the domain as your address and hosting as your house. You need both to have a working website.

Are domain names case-sensitive?

No, domain names are not case-sensitive. You can use different cases in your marketing materials if you want, but it does not change how the domain works.

Can I sell my domain name?

Yes, you can sell your domain name if you own it. There are special websites for buying and selling domains. The price can vary a lot depending on the domain. Some sell for millions others for very little. It depends on how valuable and desirable the name is.

How often do I need to renew my domain name?

You can usually register a domain for 1-10 years at a time. You need to renew it before this time ends to keep owning it. It is a good idea to set up automatic renewal so you do not forget and lose your domain. Most registrars will send you reminders when your domain is close to expiring but it is best to keep track of this yourself too.

Can I change my domain name after I have registered it?

You can not change a domain name once it is registered. However, you can:

  1. Register a new domain name
  2. Point your website to the new domain
  3. Set up a redirect from the old domain to the new one

This way, people can still find your site if they use the old address.

Can I use emojis in my domain name?

Some domain registrars allow emoji domain names but they are not widely supported yet. They can cause problems with email and some web browsers. It is usually better to stick with letters and numbers for now.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we talked about different types of domain names, web addresses, and their types. Domains are the addresses of websites. They have parts, and the last part is called the domain extension. We looked at many types of extensions, like .com, .org, and .net. Some extensions show which country a website is from, like .uk for the United Kingdom.

There are also new extensions like .shop or .blog. These give people more choices for their website names. Picking the right web address and extension is important. A good domain name helps people find and remember a website easily.

What are the types of domains? When choosing a domain name, it is good to keep it short and related to what your website is about. Make sure it is easy to spell, too. Knowing about different types of domain names helps when you want to make a website. Whether it is for fun, selling things, or for a business, choosing the right domain name is a big first step.

Good luck finding your perfect website name!

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