How To Protect Your Business Network With Mobile Device Security

How To Protect Your Business Network With Mobile Device Security

As mobile devices like smartphones and tablets become more integrated into business operations, companies must prioritize mobile device security to protect sensitive data and networks. Implementing solid passwords, mobile device management software, and security training are essential starting points for mobile device security.

Additional best practices include encrypting devices, using VPNs, enabling remote data wiping if a mobile device is lost or stolen, and establishing BYOD policies for personal devices. Companies should also restrict app downloads and permissions, turn off unused wireless connections like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, perform regular network audits, and keep all software up-to-date in the context of mobile device security.

A layered, defense-in-depth approach with mobile device security protects businesses from threats like data breaches, malware infections, and unauthorized access that could lead to substantial financial and reputational damage.

Security Risks That You Might Face By Not Properly Securing Your Devices

Security Risks That You Might Face By Not Properly Securing Your Devices

There are several key risks that businesses face by not properly securing mobile devices that access their networks:

Increased vulnerability to malware and hacking

Mobile devices are more susceptible to malware infections and hacking attempts than traditional desktops/laptops. Unsecured mobile devices can provide an entry point for attackers to access the broader corporate network, enabling data breaches, network compromise, and disruption of operations.

Data leakage

If not properly secured, sensitive corporate data stored on mobile devices can be exposed if the device is lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised. This includes customer data, financial information, intellectual property, etc. 

Reputational damage

A successful cyberattack enabled by an unsecured mobile device that leaks sensitive business data can severely damage an organization’s reputation and erode customer trust.


Allowing unsecured mobile devices to access networks may lead to non-compliance with HIPAA regulations requiring strong data security protections.

Out-of-date devices

Mobile devices that do not have the latest OS and software security patches are more vulnerable to exploitation of known vulnerabilities by attackers in the realm of mobile device security.

To reduce these risks in mobile device security, businesses should implement mobile device management, data encryption, remote wipe capabilities, app control/restrictions, updated antivirus software, VPNs, and comprehensive employee security policies/training. Taking a layered, defense-in-depth approach is critical.

The Most Common Mobile Security Threats A Business Mighjt Face

The Most Common Mobile Security Threats A Business Mighjt Face

The following are some of the most common mobile device security threats that businesses face:

Malware and malicious apps 

Apps or sites can install malware that steals data, spies on activity, holds devices for ransom, or mines cryptocurrency in the background.

Phishing attacks 

Deceptive links or sites try to trick users into inputting login credentials or sensitive info that is captured. 

Unsecured public Wi-Fi 

Connecting to public networks exposes devices to man-in-the-middle attacks, data interception, and network spoofing.

Data leakage 

Lost or stolen devices that lack encryption and remote wiping expose corporate data like customer info, financials, intellectual property, etc., posing a significant risk to mobile device security.

To guard against these threats to mobile device security, critical protections include mobile device management, app control, containerization/data separation, VPNs, encryption, remote wiping, employee security training, and keeping devices updated. Taking a layered, defense-in-depth approach to mobile security is essential for businesses.

SIM Hijacking And How Does It Work?

SIM Hijacking And How Does It Work

SIM hijacking, SIM swapping, or SIM splitting refers to a type of fraud where hackers can take control of a victim’s phone number by getting the cell phone carrier to transfer the number onto a SIM card that the hackers control. 

The fraud typically starts with the hackers gathering personal details about the target from data breaches, social media, or other sources. They were armed with information like full name, date of birth, address, account numbers, etc. The hackers then contact the target’s cell provider, impersonate the victim, and convince the mobile carrier to swap the SIM card associated with the victim’s phone number over to a SIM card in the hacker’s possession. 

Once this SIM swap has occurred, all calls and text messages intended for the victim’s phone will be routed by the carrier to the hacker’s device instead. This allows the fraudsters to intercept one-time passwords or authentication codes sent via SMS or calls, which can then be used to access the victim’s online accounts, including email, social media, cryptocurrency exchange accounts, or bank accounts.

The end goal of SIM hijacking is usually for the attackers to gain control of high-value accounts to steal funds, hijack social media profiles, or sell rare/desirable usernames. The attack exploits the widespread use of SMS-based two-factor authentication by intercepting the one-time codes needed to log into accounts.

To guard against SIM hijacking, users can contact their carriers to set up account passwords and SIM swap authorization PINs. Enabling alternative 2FA options beyond just SMS messages, being cautious of phishing attempts, and limiting personal info shared online can also reduce the risk of being targeted.

Key Points To Protect Your Device From These Threats

Key Points To Protect Your Device From These Threats

The following are some key ways businesses can protect against SIM hijacking/swapping attacks:

Enable SIM PINs

Requiring a PIN to access the SIM card can prevent unauthorized SIM swaps by thieves or malicious carrier insiders. Make sure employees use hard-to-guess PINs.

Set account passwords/PINs with carriers

Contact carriers to require passwords/PINs when making account changes. This creates an additional layer beyond just having device SIM PINs.

Avoid using SMS for multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Since hackers can intercept texts and calls, do not rely solely on SMS-based MFA for securing accounts. Use authentication apps or security keys instead. 

Educate employees on phishing/vishing

Train employees to recognize fraudulent communications attempting to steal login credentials or trick them into downloading malware. This prevents account compromise.

Monitor accounts/credit for suspicious activity 

Watch for unauthorized transactions and work with carriers to reverse fraudulent SIM swaps quickly. Use identity protection services to monitor credit reports for signs of fraud.

Contact carriers to inquire about port protection

Many major carriers now offer services to block unauthorized number porting, providing additional protection in the context of mobile device security.

The steps mentioned above, pivotal in mobile device security, are the best practices for securing mobile accounts, educating staff, and monitoring activity, which can help protect businesses from costly SIM hijacking incidents. Taking a multi-layered approach is critical.

The top mobile device security best practices that businesses should keep in mind

The top mobile device security best practices that businesses should keep in mind

The following is an extensive review of the top mobile device security best practices that businesses should keep in mind:

Implement robust device locking via PINs, passwords, and biometrics

This prevents unauthorized access if devices are lost or stolen. Require complex passcodes for robust protection.

Keep devices and apps updated

Regularly patch and update operating systems, software, and device apps. Outdated versions tend to have more security vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit.

Avoid public Wi-Fi, disable Bluetooth

Avoid using public connections to expose data to interception by attackers via man-in-the-middle techniques. Disable Bluetooth when not needed, as well. 

Deploy password managers

Try to generate and store complex, unique passwords for each account/site using trusted password managers like LastPass or 1Password.

Enable remote locking, tracking, and wiping

You have to enable remote lock lost or stolen devices. If devices can’t be recovered, wipe them to prevent data compromise.

Use Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Use centrally manage mobile fleet security configurations and policies from a unified interface.

Encrypt device storage

Leverage built-in encryption capabilities on mobile operating systems to scramble stored data, rendering it useless if stolen. 

Mandate VPN connections

Try to encrypt network traffic to and from mobile devices using VPNs when on public networks for secure access.

Educate employees on threats

To avoid breaches, you must train staff on mobile risks and best practices through security awareness programs.  

Restrict unnecessary app permissions

You have only to allow required permissions for downloaded apps to limit data access and reduce risk.

Perform backups

Keep backup vital data from mobiles to cloud storage for availability if devices are damaged/lost.

Establish BYOD policies

You should have formal policies for employee-owned devices accessing corporate networks and data.

Disable unneeded wireless

You have to turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use to prevent exploitation by attackers. 

Conduct mobile audits

Try to assess devices for compliance with security policies to identify gaps for remediation.

Contact carriers for port protection

You must inquire about carrier services that detect and block fraudulent SIM swaps.


If adequately secured, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets deliver valuable business capabilities and expose companies to heightened mobile device security risks. Critical threats include malware infections, data leakage if devices are lost or stolen, network intrusions, and attacks exploiting vulnerable apps or operating systems, all demanding robust mobile device security measures.

However, businesses can mitigate these risks through a layered defense model combining policies, mobile device security technology safeguards, and employee education focused on mobile device security.

Essential protections involve mandating device lock screens, installing mobile device management software, using encryption and VPNs, enabling remote wiping of devices, limiting app permissions, turning off unneeded wireless connections, keeping devices updated, backing up data, establishing BYOD policies, and training staff on mobile device security best practices.

Companies implementing comprehensive mobile device security reduce their exposure to data breaches, legal non-compliance, intellectual property theft, reputational damage, and other organizational harms. Though supporting mobility introduces new attack vectors, following cybersecurity best practices allows businesses to securely harness the productivity and efficiency gains of integrating mobile technology.

The search results provide consistent guidance across technology controls like MDM solutions, operational policies and processes, and the critical need to make mobile device security a vital component of an overall defense-in-depth strategy.

By layering controls that utilize the security features built into mobile operating systems, separating corporate and personal data, monitoring devices for threats, and promoting vigilance among employees, companies can realize the upsides of mobility while minimizing the substantial risks.


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